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Briefings for Elected Members

In January 2013 CLASP launched a new set of briefing leaflets to help elected members of Local Authorities and other partner organisations to make informed decisions on, and respond to the opportunities of the low carbon economy and climate resilience challenges.

The briefings were produced after consultation with elected members in late 2012. Overall the consultation identified 6 priority areas for support, with up to date information about how elected members can make a difference, what the key issues are, and who should be involved.

CLASP has now distributed packs of the briefings to all elected members who attended our spring 2013 events.  We have also supplied some additional copies to all NW authorities.  For more information, or to order more sets, contact 

Download the full pack here


Or view individual briefings:  

1 Developing your Local Low Carbon, Green Economy for Enterprise and Jobs

2 Helping Households Save Energy – Delivering Social and Economic Opportunities

3 Local and Low Carbon Energy Opportunities

4 Assessing and Understanding Renewable Energy Developments

5 Creating Resilient Communities

6 Local Authority Responsibilities for Flooding and Risk Management